Saturday, March 27, 2010

Working Together!

As of late, I have had several people ask me if I could take their dog or puppies, and find them homes. Unfortunately, I am not able to offer this service. What people need to know is that I am technically a pound, not a shelter. So what is the difference?

Well, a shelter generally survives on donations and grants. Most often, they are no-kill, which means they do not euthanize their animals. They keep them until they find homes for them. This is not always the case, but most often they have the ability to keep animals for a longer period of time than I do. They are also often afilliated with people who will provide foster homes for animals until a more permanent placement can be found. The larger shelters often have their own veterinarian either on premises, or on call, which means that the animals you might get from them will have already been spayed or neutered, and be up to date on their shots. Many shelters will also micro-chip their animals prior to adoption, and they charge a larger adoption fee. Often shelters will require you to go through a home check prior to adoption, and they will require you fill out an application. And they usually have a much larger animal capacity than I do.

Pounds, like mine, are generally controlled by a City or County government. This means we usually have a limited budget, and for this reason, are unable to provide many of the services a shelter might be able to provide, like spaying or neutering prior to adoption. We usually have a smaller animal capacity than a shelter, and since we are regulated by our respective City or County governmental bodies, we will have limits on how long we may keep an animal before we are forced to euthanize them.

The other main difference, is that a shelter will welcome animals from private citizens unable to care for or keep their pets...often for a donation of some kind. The Kansas Humane Society in Wichita is a good example of this. City or County pounds, more often than not, can only take in the animals they catch running loose...and as I just mentioned, then only keep them for a short period of time. Since our space is usually very limited ( I only have 12 cages ) we are forced to move our animals in and out much way or the other.

While I do make every effort to find homes for every dog & cat coming through our pound, the sad truth is, there are too many animals for the number of potential homes available! Somewhere between 4-5 million dogs are euthanized every year in this country. So try as I might, the truth is I just can't save them all. No one can!

But you can help! How? By having your dog or cat spayed or neutered for starters! While it is true that you can find pure-breds in many shelters, they are far out numbered by the mixed breeds. And I think we all know how the breeds get mixed! The other way you can help is by working with your local pound or shelter. Be a volunteer! This doesn't mean you have to clean out the dirty cages, although I'm sure that would be much appreciated! No, what many...most...of the dogs I have need, is love & attention! They need socialization, training, and someone to just sit & pet them for a while, or maybe take them for a walk outside!

And finally, in my case, work with me to find a home for your pet, instead of dumping them out in the country, or just turning them loose and hope I will find them! While I may not be able to take your dog right away, in many cases, I might be able to help find a suitable foster home or animal rescue that can! It may take a little longer, but if you ever truly loved & cared for your pet...then surely you would think it worth the wait.

I'm willing to bet your pet would think so!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Winterize Your Pets!

As I am writing this, the wind is howling outside my door, and the temperature is about 10 below zero with windchill factored in. If it is too cold for you...then most likely, it is too cold for your pets as well!

So which dogs handle cold better? Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Huskies and American Eskimo's are all breeds that handle cold weather very well. That doesn't mean that in extreme temperatures like we are having now, they won't need a little extra hay in their dog houses for example. Breeds that don't do well in weather like we are having now are Boxers, Chihuahuas, Miniature Pinschers, Smooth Coated Rat Terriers, Pitt Bulls, and several other breeds that have smooth coats. They will definitely need more protection than just hay...such as sweaters or coats. The best thing you can do for these breeds is to bring them inside during frigid weather! In temperatures like we are having now, they won't last long outside, even with a sweater! Like I said, if it's too cold for you, even with a sweater, it's too cold for many of these dogs too!

One other thing to remeber is those chemicals you use to treat ice. Salt, and other types of ice melt can have adverse effects on your pets if they lick their paws after they have walked through them. You can combat this by having them wear dog booties, or be sure to wipe their paws down with a cloth after they come inside.

If your pet resides indoors, protect the animals feet when you take him outside in sub zero weather. He is not accustomed to the freezing ground. You can provide them with shoes or spray PAM on their feet. The PAM seals their feet, locks out the cold and prevents their feet from cracking.

If your is an outdoor pet, ensure your animal has a continuous supply of fresh water and an adequate, daily food supply. Placing the water inside an enclosed area will prevent it from freezing. A light bulb placed near the bowl will also help to prevent the water from freezing. Avoid metal bowls, which freeze faster than plastic bowls. And remember, dogs will need more food than normal in extremely cold weather to help keep their metabolic rate up and enable them to stay warmer.

Finally, here are a few tips regarding appropriate bedding for your outside dogs:

Thick Pad with Cedar Chips or Shredded Newspaper:
One form of winter bedding dog owners may choose is a thick pad, with a washable cover, containing cedar chips or shredded newspaper, Cedar chips can irritate a dog's skin and may cause an allergic reaction in some animals. If a dog frequently chews on items, this type of bedding may not be a good option because of the danger of chips or paper ingestion.

Blanket or Quilt:
Many dog owners may utilize a blanket or a quilt as winter bedding for their dog. Dog owners must ensure the blanket or quilt does not get wet with water or ice. A wet blanket or quilt may retain water making a dog colder. Specialty stores now sell heated dog blankets.

Straw or Hay:Straw or hay provides a good bedding option for dogs as it allows moisture to evaporate and both are relatively inexpensive. However, like other types of bedding, straw or hay needs frequent changing as it may harbor pests or other insects and can also become wet. If unchanged, straw or hay may become moldy which can lead to respiratory or skin problems in dogs.

If you aren't sure you have a cold weather breed dog, you can follow this link, and see if yours in on the list!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Have a happy, furry Christmas!

I hope everyone reading this article has a very Merry (and Furry) Christmas! Furry you ask? Well sure! We don't want to forget our little furry friends, do we?

Please remember, while there are a few hidden dangers for our pets during the holidays - such as certain foods & plants, there are also many wonderful moments to be shared as well!

One thing I thought of, was traveling with our pets this Christmas! Thinking of taking Fido or Fluffy with you this year? Outstanding! I love taking my pets when I travel! Motel Six and many other places are pet friendly, so if you are driving to Grandma's this year, google the pet friendly places along the way!

Does your pet get car sick? Now this can be a bummer...but it can also be dealt with. Obviously, if you are just now starting to address this issue, it may not be possible to train your pet to ride without becoming sick at this late date. You may want to go the route of a pet motion sickness medication. Dramamine or Benadryl can be used for pets, just as for people...but never attempt to administer these medications without consulting with your Vet. Dosage is extremely important with pets, as it would be with children, so your Vet will need to tell you what dosage will be safe for your pet based on its weight and/or age. There are some non-prescription medications available such as "Johnston's Travel Eze", or "Pet Calm". Ask your Vet about these as well, and see what they recommend!

Here are a few other tips that may make the trip more enjoyable:

1. You may want to make sure your dog has an empty stomach before getting in the car. Don't give him any food 3 to 4 hours prior to travel. Some vets also recommend limiting water intake just before travelling.
2. Allow your dog to relieve itself before travelling.
3. If you know your dog is prone to car sickness, be sure to take it slow, and be extra careful around sharp curves or up and down hills.
4. There are a number of homeopathic solutions that help reduce travel sickness. You can google these on the internet, or go to someplace like Pet Smart for help in finding one that works!
5. Open the window a little. Fresh air does wonders for animals that have a tendency to get car sick. Take note of the temperature; dogs cannot regulate their body temperatures as efficiently as humans can, so make sure it isn't too hot or too cold in the car.
6. Looking out the window can bring on nausea in many dogs, so consider keeping your pet safe and secure in a covered portable crate.
7. Be prepared in case the dog gets queasy in the car. Cover the seats, bring towels, paper towels and bags, give a back seat dog plenty of air, play soothing music, and do not play music too loudly.
8. For long road trips, give yourself and your pet a rest stop and take a walk every two or three hours. Aviod dehyrdation and take a good travel bowl will allow them to have a drink during the break.

So, gear up, break out the doggie downers, and hit the road to the relatives for Christmas! Taking the pets can be almost as much fun as taking the kids...and you wouldn't leave them behind...would you?!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Well, it's official! It's cold outside!!! I know this because of the thermometer hanging on the wall next to my Rocket Science Degree!

So, not that most of you need any reminding, let me play "mother hen" and remind everyone anyway that if you have a pet outdoors, PLEASE be sure they are set up with a warm environment for the weather conditions.

Just a few helpfull hints:

1. If you are using hay or straw for the dog house, check it every couple of days. Moisture can and will accumulate in the bedding, and it may need to be turned or changed if it gets wet. Not only that, but most pets like to "spread it around" a little bit, so they may not have as much in their dog house as they now do outside their dog house!

2. Check those water bowls everyday. It's supposed to get down to 12 degrees tonight, so you can be sure that water will freeze. And unless there is direct sunlight on the bowl during the day, it may not defrost enough to provide potable drinking water.

3. Be aware that if you put out canned food for you dog, it will freeze too. I know most people use dry, but that food can form ice crystals as well, and become soggy later as it thaws.

4. And finally, please be cautious about using creative means to warm your doggies house. Placing an unprotected light bulb attached to an extension cord inside the dog house, can be very hazardous to your dogs health. Not only can they be electrocuted if they chew through the cord, but they can be badly burned if they get too close to the hot bulb. Seems like common sense, I know...but if I mention it here, it's because it has already been tried by someone. Really!

Also, heating pads and those small lap-style electric blankets are just as dangerous. Really, if it is so cold that you think you need to try these things, then maybe it's cold enough to bring the pet indoors for a day or so!

Just Say No !

We all have our favorite foods & beverages. Not surprisingly, so do our our dogs. And often, it just happens to be the same as ours! Spoiling our pets often becomes second nature to us. Unfortunately, many of us don't know that that we may not just be spoiling them, but we might be poisoning them as well!

So here are a few of the things we should NEVER feed our matter how much they beg for it!

Alcohol: Alcohol depresses brain function in dogs and can send them into a coma. It can cause further damage by turning their blood acidic.

Dogs are not equipped with the protective enzymes that allow humans to imbibe reasonable amounts of alcohol without harm. And because most dogs are smaller than humans and are more sensitive to alcohol, it doesn't take much to cause serious problems. How much depends on the size of the dog, and the amount and type of alcohol it consumes.

So - no pina colodas for Fido. Not for fun, and not by accident with those party leftovers.

Coffee: The caffine in a cup of coffee is a methylxanthine compound that binds to receptors on all surfaces, precluding the normal compounds from attaching there. In english? Caffine blocks the normal compounds from attaching to Fidos blood cells. In much the same way that inhaling carbon monoxide from your cars exhaust will block oxygen from attaching to your blood cells. It just tastes better to Fido.

Caffine in any form - coffee, tea, soda, or chocolate - can increase your dogs heart rate, produce an irregular heart beat, and trigger seizures. It can also cause severe gastrointestinal problems. So no Starbucks for Fido!

Garlic: Someone once told me that if you eat a lot of garlic, you won't be bothered by many types types of biting insects, like mosquitoes and fleas. Or your friends & neighbors either! logical extension, you might think it will work the same way for your dog. WRONG!

Garlic, in any form, breaks down a dog's red blood cells, and large amounts over time can lead to anemia and possible kidney failure from leaking hemoglobin.

Dogs don't have the necessary enzyme to properly breakdown the compound thiosulphate, which is a prime ingredient of garlic.

According to ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), if a dog eats 0.5 % of its body weight in garlic, it can show signs of poison. In otherwords, just five grams (0.18 ounces) of garlic per kilogram (2.2 lbs), or two grams (0.07 ounces) of garlic per pound, can mean an emergency trip to the Vet for Fido. As you can see, it doesn't take much.

Chocolate: If you take nothing else from this article, please remember this! The chemical contained in chocolate - theobromine - can be fatal to our furry friends! Just 3 ounces (85 grams) of dark chocolate, or seven ounces (198 grams) of milk chocolate can bring on vomiting in a 50 pound dog!

Chocolate also contains the methylxanthine compound reffered to earlier in coffee, making the combination a deadly & dangerous combination for our best friends. Dogs don't metabolize & excrete theobromine as fast as humans, causing a toxic build up in the blood.

So, how can you tell if Fido has been the victim of chocolate toxicity? The signs can occur withing hours. They include vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, tremors, seizures and coma. This one is serious, so be sure to tell the children, no chocolate for the dog. No matter how much they beg, just say no!

Grapes: Animal toxicologists have found that grapes and raisins can cause acute renal and kidney failure in dogs.

Though the research is ongoing, some suspect the cause may be a compound soluble in water, which is indigestibal to dogs. A possible fungal toxin is also suspected.

One thing is known for sure. As few as ten raisins or grapes could be fatal to your beloved pooch.

Onions: Aside from the breath issue, onions for your dog is a bad idea for another reason. The damage caused by ingesting onions is cumultive, so small tastes over time can be potentially worse than if Spot ate the whole bulb at once.

Whether its done over time, or all at once, the eating of onions by dogs can cause anemia.

Anything onion, like anything garlic, also contains the thiosulphate compound, which we now know dogs lack the enzyme to digest.

Yeast: Like alcohol, ingestion of yeast can cause fatal damage. Active yeast found in raw bread releases alcohol as it grows.

Yeast enjoys moist, warm environments - like a dogs stomach. The expanding dough can prevent blood from flowing to the heart, by distending or expanding the abdomen.

Macadamia Nuts: Expets have yet to discover why just a few of these nuts can produce tremors, even temporary paralysis, in a dogs hind legs.

High phosphorus content in nuts in general, can cause kidney stones in dogs. And it doesn't take much...four or five nuts and a 10 pound dog can show signs of poison. The holidays are nearing, so be extra vigilant with that nut cracker this holiday season!

Finally, just another precautionary note about the dangers of Antifreeze and your pets. Every year it is estimated that about 10,000 cats & dogs will be the victims of accidental anitfreeze poisoning. Most commercial brands of antifreeze consists of about 95 % ethylene glycol, an extremely toxic chemical. Just a few licks of this sweet-tasting liquid can be fatal to your cat or dog. (It is also extremely hazardous to children!)

For a medium sized dog, ingestion of about 2 ounces (3-4 tablespoons)is toxic. For a cat, as little as 1/4 of an ounce (1-2 teaspoons) can be fatal.

Both cats & dogs are attracted to the taste and smell of antifreeze. So when changing out that radiator in preparation for the upcoming winter season, please use extra care to be sure there is none left on the ground for our furry loved ones to sample.

Antifreeze poisoning occurs in two stages: In the first stage, the ethylene glycol in the antifreeze causes a drunken appearance in the animal within about 30 minutes which may continue for several hours. After passing through stage 1, the animal appears to recover. Stage 2 begins when the dog's liver begins metabolizing the ethylene glycol, changing it into more toxic substances. Within 12 to 36 hours of ingestion, these metabolites have reached such a level that the dog's kidneys stop functioning, and the animal slips into a coma.

Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning include a drunken appearance including staggering, lack of coordination, and apparent disorientation and vomiting. The animal may appear listless and depressed. Because early signs of antifreeze poisoning often mimic signs of other illness, neither you or your veterinarian may suspect antifreeze poisoning until it is too late. Fortunately, in house lab tests performed by your veterinarian by assist in the diagnosis of antifreeze toxicity.

Getting the dog or cat to a veterinarian is critical within the first 9-12 hours following ingestion. After that length of time, the liver will have already begun metabolizing the ethylene glycol into substances that cause kidney failure and ultimately death. Many people have asked, "What should be done to immediately care for my pet. Should I induce vomiting or give activated charcoal to my pet?"

Please take note: These are very short term fixes and not a cure. The faster your pet is treated by a veterinarian the better the chances of recovery. Again, this poison is extremely toxic.

So, remember that just because you can do doesn't mean you should. When Kitty or Fido start begging for that tasty little morsel left over on our plates...for their health and our peace of mind...just say no! And please watch those household and garage chemicals. Our furry friends only know what smells and tastes good...not what is good for them. Just like our two-legged children, they depend on us to sort that out for them, and to protect them from themselves!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Frequently asked questions!

I'm often asked questions regarding our furry friends. For as long as dogs and cats have been a part of our history, many people have no idea about the little things that make our pets unique. So, for fun, I thought I would list some of the most frequently asked questions and post the answers. Knowledge is power the old saying goes...and gaining a little extra can be fun too!


1. Are dogs color blind?
Answer: Dogs are not color blind - they see color, but their chromatic acuity is significantly less than humans'. This is for two reasons: (1) dogs have far fewer cone cells in their retina (cone cells are responsible for seeing color); and (2) dogs are dichromatic (they see only two primary colors - blue and yellow) whereas humans are trichromatic, meaning we see three primary colors - red, blue, and green.
Humans have 7 times higher proportion of cone cells than dogs, meaning that when dogs do see colors, they are pale or faded. However dogs have a much higher concentration of rod cells, responsible for seeing black-and-white, and also much more sensitive in lower light conditions. For that reason, dogs have much better night vision than people.

2. Can dogs get frost bite or sun burns?
Answer: Yes they can. Although not all areas are prone to sunburn, the most important locations that are prone are the belly, the tips of the ears and tips of the nose. Although most of you have not thought about the possibility of sunburn on your dog, it is a serious condition that can cause certain injuries. Some of these injuries are skin ulcers (aka sores), infections and even cancer that can spread through the body. Sunburn threat is more serious in some dog breeds than others. For instance, short haired dogs or lightly colored ones are more prone to sunburn than other dog breeds. Lighter dogs naturally have thinner hair and will allow more sunlight to reach the skin of the dog. In addition, shorter dogs get the shorter stick because they are closer to the ground. Being closer to the ground causes sun reflecting from the pavement and other lighter ground covering such as sand to cause sunburn, especially on the belly region. On the other hand, some larger breeds are just naturally prone to cancer which makes the common case of sunburn in a more serious threat status than other dog breeds. Some of these breeds are Weimaraners and Boxers.

3. Is it true my pet will get fat if I have them spayed or neutered?
Answer: Lack of exercise and overfeeding makes pets fat and lazy, not spaying and neutering. Spayed and neutered pets are typically healthier and actually live an average of two to three years longer than unsterilized pets. Exercise your pet just as you did before they were fixed, and they will suffer no ill effects from weight gain.

4. How long does a female stay in heat?
Answer: Female dogs have a heat cycle that takes about three weeks to complete. Female cats cycle at approximately 21 day intervals during the spring, summer and fall.

5. How do I get the smell of dog urine out of my floor?
Answer: Dog urine is powerful stuff, and the smell can linger for years after the dog is gone, enticing any new four-legged family member to use the smelly spot as a "potty spot".

Use an enzyme based cleaner (we recommend Nature's Miracle) and follow the directions on the label.

Tip: Do NOT use an ammonia product, or bleach. The smell simulates the smell of urine, and the dog will continue to use that area for a bathroom.

6. Why shouldn't I breed my dog?
Answer: For every puppy born, three die in shelters. There are too many out there and not enough homes for them all.

Complications in birth and pregnancies happen all the time. You could face losing your dog to death, and all the puppies with her. Will YOU pay the $1200.00 for a much-needed emergency cesarean section when she cannot deliver the pups?

What about sexually-transmitted diseases? That stud dog you had pickled out may have one. They are more common than you think.

How about genetic diseases? They abound.

Breeding is not a careless affair, it is so much more than bringing bitch and stud together during a heat cycle.

7. Do dogs get depression?
Answer: Like humans, dogs do occasionally suffer from bouts of depression. They get mopey, lethargic, stop eating, and drink only minimal amounts of water, stop wanting to play, and even lose drastic amounts of weight.

What can cause this in pets?

Grief, change of scenery, or sometimes it is a chemical imbalance, needing medication to correct it. Even the weather can adversely affect a normally happy dog. The most common reason for dog depression however, is lack of social interaction with their human owners. Dogs are pack animals...and our families are the pack they want to be with... a task made difficult when they kept constantly chained to a tree. Dogs don't just want to be near us...they need to be with us. Left to their own, watching us go about our daily lives, watching the kids playing in the distance while never being able to particpate runs counter to everything that makes a dog our best friend. Not only will your dog benefit from you spending quality time with them, numerous studies on humans have found that quality pet time makes us live longer too!

8. Is it ok for dogs and cats to eat grass?
Answer: Grass eating by dogs and cats is considered normal by most veterinarians. Dogs in the wild do the same thing to supplement their diet with vegetation. You should only be concerned about access to grass that has been treated with herbicides, insecticides, or fertilizers that might cause illness. If chemicals have not been used on the grass, your pooch can graze away!

9. How often should I bathe my dog?
Answer: The simplest answer to this question is, whenever he needs it. Dogs who spend the most of their time indoors will not need much bathing, while dogs who are outside a lot, romping in the mud and trees (and possibly other smelly things) will need to be bathed more often. Also, some dogs' coats will accumulate grease and oil more quickly than others.

Breeds prone to oily skin and other skin conditions, such as Cocker Spaniels, benefit from regular bathing about every four weeks. Breeds with a thick, double coat, like huskies and chows, only need bathing about three or four times a year. Washing a dog with an undercoat more often than this can make the coat softer and less waterproof and insulating.

In general, you can use your common sense to judge when your dog needs bathing. If you're concerned about causing dry skin, there are moisturizing treatments available at most pet stores, which you rub into your dog's skin after you shampoo him. If your dog seems uncomfortable or shows signs of skin problems, consult your veterinarian.

10. What is Parvo?
Answer: Parvovirus is a dangerous virus that attacks dogs' intestinal tracts. It can cause severe bloody diarrhea, vomiting, and electrolyte imbalances and can lead to severe dehydration, a buildup of toxins or poisons in the bloodstream, and eventually death. When puppies under 12 weeks old are infected, the virus can damage the heart muscle and cause lifelong cardiac problems. Parvovirus is extremely contagious and can be transmitted by any person, animal, or object that comes in contact with a infected dog's feces. The virus can survive extreme heat and cold for long periods of time, and may remain alive on a surface long after the feces has been removed.

There are many ways you can protect your dog from parvovirus. Most veterinarians recommend multiple vaccinations for growing puppies. As dogs get older, their immunity is maintained with annual booster shots. Use a solution of one part bleach to thirty parts water to clean areas frequented by other dogs, and use the solution on the soles of your shoes if you think you've walked through an infected area.

If your dog experiences vomiting, severe diarrhea, depression, or loss of appetite, see your veterinarian as soon as possible. Though there are presently no drugs to kill the virus, there are treatments proven to control its symptoms.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Are you "pet friendly" ?

Being pet friendly means more than just loving animals. It also means that we never subject them to physical or verbal abuse. We are not allowed to treat our children that way, and under Kansas State law, we are not allowed to treat out pets that way either. Beating your dog is considered by law to be a form of animal cruelty, which is now a Felony in the State of Kansas.

I have trained dogs for many years, and frankly, I have never had a time when it was necessary to hit a dog. Most dogs respond quite well to verbal commands and the inflection of the owners voice. There are some breeds that require a firmer bit of handling, but that does not mean hitting them. For these dogs, once you lay a hand on them, you have lost control of them forever.

Recently, I have had several reports of owners that have been seen beating their dogs. I cannot emphasize strongly enough, that this is never an acceptable means of discipline, and in many instances, can be counter productive to what you trying to accomplish. More importantly, it is illegal. If you have a training issue, please contact me for assistance. There are many excellent training programs available online or through the mail that can help you train the perfect dog. I will also be glad to help you with a few tips as well.

I urge everyone to be pet friendly, and let your dogs know that there is never a reason to bite the hand that feeds them. Extend your hand in love, never anger!