Thursday, September 27, 2007

Need help with your pets behavior?

We've all seen it, that poor lady out trying to walk her dog, or should I say being drug down the street by her dog. Or maybe you have a dog who is great with family members, but shows aggression towards your friends when they come over for that weekend barbeque. Or maybe you are a frustrated cat owner, who can't understand why your cat would rather poop on the bathroom rug than in its litter box.

Whatever the issue, did you know help is a close as your computer? For all of the above pet behavior issues, and many more, simply log on the the ASPCA website, where you can get expert advice on resolving these problems. One of the most common reasons for animals to wind up in the local animal shelter or pound, is due to unresolved behavioral issues. So be a friend to your pet, and help them get the help they need to be a better best friend to you! Log on to, and get help now!

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