Sunday, November 30, 2008

Microchip Clinic, Coming Soon!

If you haven't already signed up, I would like to encourage everyone who has a dog or cat to get your name on the list for our upcoming Microchip Clinic on the 7th of December.

It will be held at Memorial Hall, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. The clinic is being co-sponsored by Alex's House, a new dog rescue facility near Rosalia - and the Community Foundation of Greater Butler County. The Foundation is a public, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, established in 2001 to assist those individuals and organizations in need, in the community.

The Foundation, in conjunction with Alex's House, has been generous enough to assist the people in Greenwood County with implanting microchips in their pets for the very low cost of $10.00.

Typically, having this procedure done for your pet can cost upwards of $75.00 (including the cost of chip resgistration). Registration in this clinic will be done for free, on site, after the implant procedure is completed. The chips are being provided at a discount price, by a company called 24PetWatch. You can go the the companies website at: to learn more about the company, and the other valuable services they offer.

The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice, and is implanted with a needle & syringe in the fleshy area, between the back of the head and the top of the shoulder blades on the animal. In most cases, the procedure is no more painful than a routine injection. The chip lasts a lifetime, and the registration data base is Nationwide.

I would like to encourage everyone in our area to sign up for this wonderful program. The price is a real bargain, and the peace of mind in knowing that your pet will returned home to you if it should for some reason become lost, is well...priceless.

Please call me at (620)750-0302 to sign up, or if you would like more information!

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