Monday, February 23, 2009

Clinic was a success!

This is just a sincere "Thank You!" to all who participated in the Annual City Tag & Rabies Clinic, held this past Saturday, February 21st.

Last count was at 105 tags sold, which was double what we did last year. And today Monday), I know others came and purchased their tags, since they were unable to make it Saturday.

Obviously, we all know there are many more than 105 dogs and cats living within the city limits. But, now that the price of tags has been lowered, it is hoped that it will make it easier for all to get their tags throughout the year, and getting the tags is what is truly matter when it happens!

So thanks again to all who participated, and a special thank you to Dr. Droge and his staff, who worked very hard to keep up with the long lines. We are talking about even trying to do another one in a few months. We'll keep you posted!

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