Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Things to ponder?

As we go through our daily grind, how many of us really stop to consider the things around us? I'm not talking about things like houses, office buildings or the new car the neighbor just bought. I'm referring to the other things around us. Trees, plants, birds and turtles. Yep...turtles!

Today I came across a very large turtle, about the size of the hubcap on the Toyota my wife drives. To reach this size - if I am remembering my biology correctly - usually takes a turtle around 20 to 30 years. This particular turtle was a female - with eggs. The true tragedy here is that aside from the death of this marvelous creature and her potential offspring, it really didn't have to happen in the first place. Unfortunately, what with cell phones, CD players and XM radio...we often find way too many things inside our vehicles to distract us from seeing what is outside. We go too fast, and observe too little.

I can't help but wonder why it wasn't possible that the person who ran over this poor creature, didn't see her lumbering across the street, and give her a chance? I can only hope they tried to avoid hitting her. I would hate to think that any of us would be so cold and callous, that we would take the destruction of a creature 20 or 30 years old with a frivilous attitude. If that were true...that would really be the greatest tragedy of all!

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