Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dogs, dogs dogs....

"They're everywhere, they're everywhere!!!" Yep...I'm talking about dogs. I really shouldn't be...they are supposed to be restrained at home, instead of out wandering the guessed it! No matter where I have gone for the past week, it's been a dog day afternoon!

I know, I know, that's why they pay me the big bucks. But frankly, I would be ok with being put of the "chase-your-loose-doggie" business. Really! I could take up needlepoint, work a few crossword puzzles...maybe even eat a few dozen doughnuts!

Now I know that sometimes, things happen, and Fido runs crazy throughout the neighborhood. But most of the dogs I have been chasing - and catching - lately, seem to be just running loose with little or no concern by the owners. How do I know that? Maybe because even though they have collars and are dragging six feet of chain behind them, no one ever bothers to call to see if they have been picked up. Not one call. Go figure!

So, in the hope that this message will be read by someone who still cares about their pets, please take note. If your dog gets loose, call me right away. I will help you find it if I can. It may even be that I have already found it, but because it was not properly tagged, I could not find it's home to return it. Hint, hint!

So, tag your pets. Please! It is the very best way to ensure they get home safely! The annual City Tag event will be coming up on February 16th, at Memorial Hall, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon. You can get those city tags and the required rabies shots all in one quick trip!

And please, if you have a dog that is not fixed, get it done as soon as you possibly can! It will help your pet live longer, stay closer to home, and be much easier on the budget when it's time to get those annual city tags. A mere $4.00 versus $30.00!

Lets work together this year to keep more dogs at home, and fewer at the City Pound. I like doughnuts! Really!

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