Thursday, February 28, 2008

New Year - Same Old Problem!

At the risk of sounding too negative, it seems at first blush that the New Year is so far, not that new at least as far as the dog situation goes. Everyday, as I drive around town, I see dogs, dogs, dogs running loose.

And to add insult to injury, the vast majority of them not only have collars, but they have collars without tags. Rottweiler, Border Collie, Pointer. These are not mutts. We are talking potentially high dollar dogs here. So....whats up dog owners?

Now I understand that sometimes, things happen, and Fido will take off. But why anyone would go through all the trouble of buying an expensive dog, outfitting it with a collar, and then never bother to call once it goes missing remains a mystery to me.

Is a dogs life so worthless, that the responsible party can't even pick up a phone to report it missing, or check to see if it has been picked up? I mean, if you care so little about it...why even get it in the first place?

Well, I understand that we can't legislate common decency and morality. Too bad, because sometimes I can't help but think it would be a good thing. You know, I once heard somewhere that you can tell the measure of a society by the way we treat our animals.

Considering the number of dogs we run through our pound with a population of only around 2900 people or can't help but wonder what that says about us!

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